We want our children to feel comfortable, safe, and have a space that fosters their development within the confines of our family home. A pivotal element in this process is arranging a child's room - a place where a little one spends a lot of time every day. But what's truly the most important? How do you furnish a child's room? What children's furniture should you choose? Let's unveil the secrets of furnishing a child's room!
In the previous article, we learned how important it is to build a bond between parents and child from the very first moments of a toddler's life, and how important the right furniture is in this process. As the child grows older, their needs change and it is no longer just a matter of food, a good night's sleep, a clean nappy and closeness that is important, they also need to be provided with space to play and develop creativity.
Although a person only starts to consciously remember what is happening around them from around the age of 3, the impact of the first few months of life on a child's subsequent development should not be underestimated. It is believed that from birth until around the 18th month a child develops confidence or lack of confidence in their surroundings and caregivers. What to do so that in the future the young person is able to form emotionally healthy relationships?